Sorry for not writing earlier but I'm so busy all the time... and well the first time I started to write this post and I made it till the end accidentally I deleted everything!!! Oh my gosh.. I was so pissed... so it took me a while to redo it again...
But let's begin what happened to me in my first 1 & 1/2 month in Texas!:D (I hope that I am not going to forget anything.. :)) )
On my first week I met a lot of really nice people already,but thanks to Sebastian I met the most wonderful people : The Seely Family. Savannah & Braelynn are sisters and they are playing tennis with Sebi, so they invited us to spend the Saturday with them at a lake on their boat! Sadly Sebi couldn't come,but I don't regret that I went :D
I just simply love the Texan sun! <3
It was so much fun because they have a lot of cool stuff like wake-board,knee-board & tubes :D
After an amazing weekend Monday came and the first day at my American School:
Waiting to enter the parking lot...
My first impression was : A LOT OF PEOPLE! The school is a lot of kids are going to that be honest it was pretty scary:))
But the everybody went to the gym and my first Pep-Rally was waiting for me:))
We were entertained by the cheerleaders,the band,and the drill team(Dixie Belles)of the school!
Of course everybody was celebrating the football and other athletes of the school :)
It was really fun,loud music,cheering and dancing ;)
After the Pep-Rally we haded to our first period (classes are called periods here,yeah weird...:)) )
Everyone was really nice!Even though they didn't realized for first that I am a foreign exchange student :))
My favorite class is audio-video production (and of course dance :D ). I have to go to a different building the BCTAL :D
This is my "classroom" which is actually a studio with a lot of awesome cameras and equipments !
It was a pretty long week... but you know food makes things better:))) Even if (sorry guys..) I hate fastfood :)) But thank God, I've found the perfect place for me! The SWEET TOMATOES, which is a kind of salad bar where you can eat as much as you can for 12 $ and it's delicious and healthy ;)
Don't be afraid.. I am not crazy:)) I tried some not that healthy foods too ;)
My first American brownie milkshake
And Mexican food is the BEST!!!!!!!!
You have to know that if it's Friday then it's GAME DAY! :d
My first football game !
I went to this game with the Dixie Belles because I was about to be part of the team (and guess what?! I am part of the team now;) khmm Elite Varsity :D )
The next two weekend days we went again to the lake with the Seelys but this time Sebi came with us too;) And we spent the night in a travel trailer :D
Sebastian & Me
Flying with the tube! Best thing of my life :))) I just adore it!
Thumbs up :d!
Whoooo! Knee-surfing !
I am riding that wake-board pretty well ;)
And then sadly a usually school week was next.....
But I've got my student ID :))
End you know how it works... If you have fun something will happen:)))
Pretty cool huh?!:)))
Next weekend with Ellen,Randy and Sebastian and other exchange students ( Annabelle- from Australia
Forth Worth Stockyards :D
Kim , Me , Annabelle & Sebastian
and some cowboys:)
We started doing our mums and garders for HOCO(Homecoming)
It was cool to make ourselves these mums :) I think that it turned out pretty :)
(Mums are like a big ornament what you are wearing at Homecoming around your neck!Mine is a small one
because I want to bring it home ;) but some girls are going crazy! Their mums are bigger than themselves..
This is a real Texan tradition for Homecoming!)
Next we went with Ellen,Randy and Sebi to the famous SIX FLAGS!
(This is one of the biggest amusement parks)
dream come true *.* :))
We were actually flying! It was awesome!
So,I hope you remember the Seelys!
Well,now they are my host family!I love them so much :)
I am glad that I made this decision.. it was really hard... but sometimes you have to be selfish..:\
So now I live with :
-host mom: Melissa
-host dad: Brian
- 3 host sisters: Savannah (18 yr soon :P )
Braelynn (15 yr)
Channing (8 yr)
-4 dogs and a cat
-no exchange partner :'(
Another Friday game! :D
and believe it or not.. but sometimes even in Texas the weather gets really cold!!
I was freezing!!
"The Sweethearts Of Richland High School"
When it's a week like this or other spirit weeks everybody has to dress up! And every day has a different theme ;)
Thursday: Throwback day :D
We had to dress up as a favorite TV show or movie character from our childhood :p
We were the Power Puff Girls :)) :D
Friday: Fancy Day :x and the big Homecoming Game !!
Everybody was wearing their mums and garders !
Me and Sebi :d we were pretty sleepy but this is our only picture so... :)))
Me and Savannah and her huge mum :o
(Some girls had bigger mums then her mum)
Finally I was actually dancing with the Dixie Belles at HOCO Pep-Rally :D
It was really cool :D
and preparing for the game ;)
Pretty big mess right?:)))
Everybody was really excited!!
And I won the section award!
(this award is usually for girls who are working hard during the week ;) )
Then Saturday I went to my first American Birthday Party *.*
It was perfect! Everything was vintage and there were ornaments and other stuff a would never think of! It was a really great party!
Happy 16th Birthday Nemo!!
Me and the beautiful Birthday Girl ;;)
having fun with the Photo-Booth :D
Taking a good nap with Grace on a lazy Sunday :o3
Saving some lives with my blood ;)
(they said that my blood will save 6 babies :oo33 aww :") )
I felt really good about myself ;)
Then our school week was
HALTOM WEEK, because Haltom is
one of the biggest enemies of RHS ;)
So we had another dress up week ;)
Scrubs day: Perfect for anatomy and frog disgusting :))) And accidentally Paige ( my desk mate ) had the same scrub as I had :)))
Our huge friend :)))
Yukkk !!!! :s It was disgusting !
Friday : Rebel Pride ;)
Haltom game
Having fun with Jazmine and Chayenna
before dance class :p
The I discovered who is my Big sister ;)
( The Dixie Belles have a tradition that the new girls in the team get a big sister who is making her gifts and cute things, and when it's time to discover who is we get matching socks so we have to find our pair :oo )
She was Lisa :) One of our awesome Officers !
Then Saturday we had a Junior Clinc with wanna be Dixie Belles ! It was so cute :o3 a lot of kids ! I love them :x Especially my little dancer!
We had a really long week so we decided to have a girly Sunday night ;) We went together to watch a movie :D
We picked a thriller :
As above/So below
I recommend it to everyone!
It was super awesome!!!!!!!
Especially if you are alone at night in the cinema :))
Because of the movie last night I was so tired in the morning... And not happy at all :)))
Yeah, we all hate Mondays..
The rest of the week was just rolling without anything interesting...
But Friday a was dancing for the first time on the football field on the halftime ;)
Ooohhh yeahh ;) !
And after the game I just got home and we had to leave because the girls had a tennis tournament in Bryan (which is a 3 hours drive and the girls had to play at
8 am )
They played really well ;)
They are awesome players;)
Texas A&M 's gorgeous tennis fields ;)
Well yeah... you know me... I go little bit crazy sometimes in front of people:)))
And Brealynn made the consolation finals and she won ! :D
Congratulation love !<3
(on the road)
P.S :
Sorry for this long post;) But I really wanted to share everything with you all !
My dear family,my love,my besties A&T&N,11J,Attitude,Csalamade,
Esemenyhorizont(I think that these groups are the best to note everyone and this way I hope everybody will recognize themselves;) ) and my every other friend y'all have to know how much I love you and miss you!! I really do!! I think of you a lot and I am talking about you to everybody that how awesome friends I have ;)
Lots of love <3, - B